Market and trade development through POS optimisation.

Market and trade development through POS optimisation.

Our experts have developed a new POS concept including a pilot concept for lifestyle products for our OEM customer from the aftersales sector, in particular for business development. The aim was to provide professional support and advice in the preparation of an internationally valid guideline and for a worldwide roll-out concept.

Our mission

Our assignment in this project was to develop a new POS concept to boost sales of lifestyle products. Subsequently, the piloting of the new approach in the German sales company was fixed and the development of internationally valid guidelines and a roll-out plan was supported and advised.

Our work

As basic work, our experts first prepared an analysis of the existing market structures. We advised and supported our client in the creation of a Visual Merchandising Guideline. The targeted elaboration of an international roll-out concept with a bottom-up approach via dealers, field force and market managers is intended to secure competitive advantages for the customer in the future.

Our results

Through close cooperation with our customers, our experts were able to develop sustainable solutions. In this project, this included cross-market visual merchandising guidelines and a cross-market roll-out concept. Finally, we developed a feasible proposal for an international project set-up with a detailed implementation plan for the relevant areas.

Our know-how

Our experts brought sound knowledge in the field of visual merchandising and POS planning and implementation for this order. Many years of experience in working together with OEMs' trade organisations was essential for successful implementation.

Our added value for the customer

With our measures, we gained potential to increase sales of merchandising and lifestyle products.
Especially for lifestyle products as a brand multiplier, we achieved a competitive result and a further opportunity to increase sales in all areas of the retail organization. In the future, a uniform development of measures for a POS concept that strengthens sales worldwide will play a decisive role here.

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Beate Baudrexl

Beate Baudrexl
Customer & Business Solutions

Phone: +49 89 383 46 89 0

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