Implementation of conveyor technology in automotive assembly.

Implementation of conveyor technology in automotive assembly.

For our OEM customer in the field of equipment planning, the design and implementation of the conveyor technology connection for car bodies was carried out from the paint shop to the assembly line.
These bodies are transported in a cycle time of less than 90 seconds with a vertical plane shift of 16 meters and subsequent stop-and-go preassembly via 9 stations.

Our mission

Our main order included the following work steps:
1. planning and realization of a delivery system for vehicle bodies and the implementation of a pre-assembly line in stop-and-go mode
2. implementation of the independently developed technical solution with the help of local suppliers and in compliance with the specified financial, time and technical framework conditions
3. supplier qualification of a local supplier under the aspects of OEM project and technical product standards
4. competence development of the local OEM employees in order to be able to carry out future projects independently
5. introduction of a transport solution for vehicle bodies that is safe for man and material via a connecting conveyor system and assembly line


Our work

We began with the conception of the conveyor technology, taking into account all interface partners and project-specific challenges. Subsequently, a validation took place with the following decision of a 2-column lifter for 16 meters stroke of the car bodies as connecting element between transfer system from the paint shop and final assembly. The tender specifications were elaborated and the purchasing department was supported in the negotiations up to the award of the contract. During the subsequent design phase, manufacture, implementation and commissioning of the equipment up to final acceptance by the customer, professional support was ensured throughout as well as the technical implementation according to OEM standards by the local supplier. Our experts developed solutions for structural and design difficulties such as safety devices, the body lifter with a total height of 22 metres and the bending moments that occur during this process, or the implementation of the lifter’s columns in two parts due to installation reasons. The subsequent installation in the existing periphery of the automobile plant was also carried out professionally. By passing on knowledge and information in the course of the competence build-up we supported local suppliers as well as the local planning organization of the OEM with regard to the individual project phases and project work to be carried out in the automotive industry. The OEM standards and processes were established according to plan at the main supplier and its sub-suppliers.

Our results

The tender was based on a concept that was adapted to all work steps. The evaluation of the mainly local suppliers also gave the impetus to recommend our company to the purchasing department for this project. A detailed discussion of the design was carried out, including maintenance, production, building services engineering and occupational safety. Regular consultations were held with the production planning department in order to integrate any changes into the planning and implementation process. A preacceptance at the supplier's under consideration of real conditions in the production operation contributed significantly to the successful implementation. The coordination of the 9 successive material conveyors for the stop-and-go mode to be implemented was tested under real production conditions in order to guarantee the safety of the workers during the synchronous movement of the car bodies. Constant monitoring of the implementation and the introduction of countermeasures in the event of a delay secured the planned course of the project. Regular reporting on the progress of the project to the customer was ensured. The customer took part in project rounds to ensure reliable implementation of changes during the course of the project. In summary, the project included detailed planning of all project steps including acceptance of the equipment and subsequent handover to the operator.

Our know-how

The project and process knowledge of the OEM were professionally applied to this order. Our experts used their industry expertise to identify the suppliers who were eligible to supply the equipment. Here a technical understanding of the equipment to be implemented was necessary. Knowledge of the specified industrial and customer-specific technical standards could also be used for successful implementation. The prerequisite for this was a strong understanding of the customer-specific project process with all relevant milestones and specifications.

Our added value for the customer

The special feature of this project was that the entire package was carried out on one's own responsibility. We were always in time, there was no overrun of monetary and temporal defaults. The competence of the local OEM staff could be built up as well as passed on to future, local suppliers. The specified industrial and customer-specific standards have always been met. The equipment was designed beyond the originally required dimensions. The required characteristics were quality, safety and functionality of the system.
A continuous project documentation with final handover of all documents relevant for the operation of the plant was of course provided.
We were able to reduce complexity by realising a single-stage 2-column lifter with a lifting height of 16 meters. The first draft provided for a 2-stage stroke with the conversion of 2 lifters.

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Thomas Horn

Thomas Horn
Industrial Engineering

Phone: +49 89 383 46 89 0

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