Vehicle type approval with focus on flammability of interior materials for China, USA, Korea, Japan and Taiwan.
Automotive-OEM, Entwicklungsbereich

Vehicle type approval with focus on flammability of interior materials for China, USA, Korea, Japan and Taiwan.

For our customer in the Automotive OEM segment, we worked intensively on vehicle type approval with a focus on the flammability of interior materials for China, the USA, Korea, Japan and Taiwan. A consistent and on-time implementation and documentation of all type-approval-relevant information was particularly important.

Our mission

The main objective of the project assignment is to ensure the complete and on-time implementation of the requirements as well as the documentation of the type approval relevant data and documents (formerly CCC certificates, now Voluntary Certificates) of the area flammability of vehicle interior for the Chinese market.

A further goal was the development of a comprehensive documentation of the type approval relevant data for the markets USA, Korea, Japan and Taiwan.

In addition, we took over the evaluation and plausibility checking of the documents with regard to type approval-relevant information and their integration into the type approval system of the Automotive OEM.

Our work

The responsibility for the project included both technical and organisational tasks. Within the scope of the contract, we were primarily responsible for obtaining and evaluating information relevant to type approval.

In addition, we enabled the development departments and suppliers to identify certification-relevant components from the vehicle interior on the basis of part numbers.

A central part of the project was the development and management of milestone plans including status reports on milestones in vehicle development and type approval. The most significant results were the filled data lists on the flammability of the vehicle interior and the flammability tests for the vehicle interior for the Taiwan, Korea, USA, Japan and Gulf markets.

We then checked the data and documents relevant to type approval for completeness and validity and administered the data in OEM-internal type approval systems.

In addition, we prepared detailed information documents on frequently asked questions from development departments.

Our results

In this project, we ensured the completeness of the documentation of all relevant components that are affected by the interior flammability requirements in these markets.

Thanks to the complete and correct information available in the type approval system, the approvals for the relevant vehicle projects were obtained in time.

Our know-how

This project particularly required our experience in CCC certification/voluntary certification as well as our knowledge in the field of flammability testing for type approval in the USA, Korea, Japan and Taiwan.

Our added value for the customer

The lead times could be shortened by relieving the OEM internal technical experts of the task of obtaining and checking the plausibility of information relevant to type approval.

Thanks to the project team's broad technical and methodological knowledge, weak points in the existing process could be identified and eliminated through additional quality assurance steps.

For the customer, the reliability and results quality of the type approval process could thus be sustainably improved.

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Baran Kerkez

Baran Kerkez
Product Compliance

Phone: +49 89 383 46 89 0

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