Discover current insights into the Customer & Business Solutions department.


Diverse project management: agile, classic, hybrid & digital.

Structure vs. flexibility; long-term planning vs. short-term sprints – classic or agile project management. The pros and cons of both methods are most likely already well known. But what does this mean in concrete terms for the practical application? When does which management approach make the most sense? Here you can read, among other things, which trends are important in this context and which key factors matter now.

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Digital workshop processes in the car dealership.

The trend towards digital and transparent processes continues to grow in all industries and is now increasingly reaching German car dealerships. When people think of digital processes in car dealerships, they think primarily of car diagnostic equipment or electronic repair support systems. Fully digital service processes, measuring the capacity utilisation in the workshop as well as online appointment booking and transparent tracking of the repair status for the customer are not yet part of the focus of the German dealership organisations. Digitalisation therefore still has enormous potential within the German car dealership landscape.

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Business Intelligence – Opportunities for the trans­formation of the car trade.

Analyze, combine and interpret existing company data – and create the fundament for valid and more efficient decisions. With a systematic analysis, Business Intelligence (BI), processes and procedures in the company can be evaluated and clearly presented.

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Beate Baudrexl

Beate Baudrexl
Customer & Business Solutions

Phone: +49 89 383 46 89 0

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