Types of conformity requirements for international product conformity.

Types of conformity requirements for international product conformity.

Our experts systematically monitor and analyze the changes and innovations of international laws and regulations for technical sales capability and product conformity and develop targeted solution scenarios for a regulated implementation at our customers.

During the research and analysis process, the requirements of an individual market or legal area of the relevant products and the type of conformity requirement are worked out.

In the following, various types of conformity requirements that the Munich Consulting Group monitors as part of the research and analysis process are explained.

Certificate of Conformity (CoC)

In this case, the product is tested by an independent body (test institutes or accredited laboratories) and a certificate is issued. This certifies that the product has been tested to prescribed test standards to meet market-specific safety requirements. This process can be linked to market-related audits of the production site.

The RSS radio certification for the Canadian market is an example of the CoC requirement.

Certification and Marking (CaM)

This conformity requirement combines the characteristics of a Certificate of Conformity (CoC) with an additional physical conformity mark, usually affixed to the product or packaging.

China operates the China Compulsory Certification (CCC) system, an established Certification and Marking requirement (CaM).

Proof of Conformity (PoC)

Within this conformity requirement, product tests and related reports are mandatory to prove certain properties or contents, the manufacturer can usually decide for himself how these are generated. It is possible either to test the system yourself or to have the appropriate test report prepared by an accredited body. This type of conformity requirement is usually requested and verified when products are imported into the target market.

The TRA Import License is required for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) of electrical products imported into the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Declaration of Conformity (DoC)

A Declarartion of Conformity (DoC) is a self-declaration by the manufacturer or marketer confirming a specifically required technical property or the proof of other conformity. The Declaration of Conformity (DoC) is also requested and checked directly upon import into certain countries.

When importing relevant products into Taiwan, such proofs are required to prove the conformity for the BSMI system.

Trade Compliance (technical requirements)

This includes technical market access requirements that do not require any formal certification or marking. This is compliance with a required technical product specification or property that is approved in the respective market and must be proven.

The Refrigerant Management Regulations for Small Cans under the Motor Vehicle Refrigerant Act for the USA market describe such a requirement.

Consumer information (Warning Label / Compliance Statement)

This includes mandatory markings or product markings which are not associated with conformity marking. These notices and labels serve primarily as warning or safety notices for end customers and must be affixed in an obligatory manner.

The FCC Compliance Statement in the USA complies with this conformity requirement.

Material Compliance and Material Prohibitions

This conformity requirement includes country-specific regulations on the use or limit values of ingredients. It is associated with tests and verifications, reporting obligations or import restrictions, as well as mandatory documentation.
In addition, certain consumer information may also be required in combination.

Requirements for materials or ingredients are regulated in systems such as REACH for Europe or Proposition 65 for California (USA).

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